Epic Yard Farm 1.0
In the summer of 2019, we have moved to a larger property and start our new adventure with Epic Yard Farm 2.0. The story below is to share with you the work we did with Epic Yard Farm 1.0.
After 6 years of sweat, blood and tears, and lots of playing in the dirt, we have created a productive food forest in Tempe, AZ! It was our dream to be able to eat from our garden year round plus providing a safe and healthy habitat for the local wildlife. We think Epic Yard Farm 1.0 has achieve that goal in a short period of time!
Our journey to build an edible food forest gardening was triggered by the day we needed to decide whether to purchase a lawn mower for our new home in Tempe, Arizona back in summer of 2013. We decided to not waste water and resources on a grass lawn, and opted for a steep learning curve on edible gardening.
We named our urban backyard and front yard garden, Epic Yard Farm. I (Jacq) hosted seasonal garden tours to inspire others to grow edibles – anything from the regular lettuces and tomatoes to more exotic tropicals edibles from back home like banana, passionfruit and guava.
By implementing principles from permaculture, polyculture and natural gardening methods, we managed to garden with very minimal input besides providing water and mulch for the plants to thrive in the low desert of Arizona.